
With the name of ‘prawns’

They are included in serveral species of the gender Penaeus that are cultivated in differnet places in the world and they have totally different food needs even if they have something in common like the need of eating some micronutrients and the physical features of the crumb.

The basic demand on this kind of fodders is the crumb’s stability in water. Due to these animals’ needs, going from the feeding distrubution to its consumption, there’s some lost time. This is why the crumb needs to stay unalterated, so there’s no nutrients lost because of its dissolution in water.

Dibaq makes different sorts of diets for prawns adapted to differents species needs. They are sold to both the local market and the abroad main production areas.

  •  Distribution: In the Red Sea, East and Southeast Africa, Corea, Japan and the Malay Archipielago. It also got into the East of the Mediterranean Sea though the Suez Canal and it got to the Turkish coasts.
  •  Feeding: t eats mollusks, worms, bottom crustaceans and algae. In its larvae stages, it eats fitoplancton and zooplancton.
  •  Fishing: It is fished during the whole year with trawl or pot vessel.
  •  Breeding: Ponds.
  •  Repro: The male leaves a white small jelly mass called spermatophore in the middle ventral part of the female’s cephalothorax. A bit later, the female spawns. She, helped by the periopods, breaks the spermatophore and eggs are fertilized while they are going out. Later, the female puts the little eggs up in the hatchery chamber, placed under its abdomen, made by the extension of the abdominal pleura.
about Image

  • Temperature
    • 82.4ºF
  • Salinity
    • 35-37 per mille
  • Oxygen
    • saturation
  • Density
    • 100-200 larvae/litre
  • Survival
    • 30-40%
  • Egg diameter
    • -
  • Length larva
    • -
  • Temperature
    • 78.8-82.4ºF
  • Salinity
    • 25-30 per mille
  • Oxygen
    • saturation
  • Load
    • 0.41 lb/ft2
  • Duration
    • 6 months
  • Final weight
    •  0.06 lb
  • Survival
    • 50%