RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems) systems consist of closed-circuit aquaculture production systems in which the contribution and output of inputs and waste are fully controlled. In these systems, the water is mostly reused (between 90 and 99%), renewing only the part necessary to maintain ideal conditions for fish development.
RAS systems are made up of pumping and filtration elements to maintain optimal physical and biological parameters in the water. They are normally composed of mechanical, biological and UV filters plus equipment to maintain the temperature, O2 and CO2 in the optimum range.
As our colleagues at Derwent Engineering point out, the key benefits of these advantages are:
– Optimal crop conditions.
– Management optimisation, not dependent on external factors.
– Sanitary safety, being in a fully controlled environment.
– Low environmental impact. Water consumption, contamination by excrement or excess feed.
– Ability to produce feed in different locations regardless of weather conditions