
It´s said that what doesn’t excite doesn’t work. And from Dibaq Aquaculture we have very excitedly launched a new line of floating products for salmonids within our range of premium AquaSafe products. It is a complete, effective, studied and proven update of this range of products.

Our extensive experience in this sector, in which we have been helping our clients to produce excellent quality fish with great performance for more than 35 years, has allowed us to obtain a range of products for salmonids optimized in macro and micronutrient detail to achieve excellent production parameters.

All the formulas of these products use top-quality raw materials, with high levels of EPA and DHA and high ratios of omega-3 and long-chain fatty acids, so important for these species. Without forgetting sustainability, since these products have terrestrial animal proteins selected especially for these species due to their high digestibility and micronutrient composition, although there is the possibility of obtaining these products only with raw materials of marine origin, according to the preferences of our clients.

In order to cover each and every one of the requirements of these species, in addition to the optimal selection of raw materials, we have formulated these products with a high percentage of organic minerals and vitamins, making their bioavailability greater. In addition, the entire range is part of our premium AquaSafe products, not only because of what has been said above, but also because we have focused on the highest possible intestinal health, through compounds such as lysophospholipids, butyrates, monoglycerides, etc. This promotes adequate intestinal health that translates into greater absorbance and use of nutrients, as well as proper immunity.

The Solution T product line is divided into medium and high energy products, wich our customers can select, and is as follows:

  • Solution T 2 mm 48/22.
  • Solution T 3,5 mm 44/25.
  • Solution T 5 y 7 mm S50 41/26.
  • Solution T Energy 3,5 mm S50 41/27.
  • Solution T Energy 5 y 7 mm S50 38/30.




Currently there is a tendency to intensify production processes and aquaculture is no exception. However, sometimes there are various structural limitations that prevent the increase in production units, so there is a tendency to modernize the cultivation processes while maintaining the same production units in order to achieve greater production.


This leads to demanding the maximum from the cultivation systems, such as, for example, sometimes reaching the limits of biomass loads for each of the systems, a fact that in turn affects the increase in water quality parameters that they are not adequate, leading to the detriment, the increase of the load per m3 and therefore the friction of animals against each other, increasing oxygen consumption, stress in animals and the most frequent appearance of pathologies. As a measure to solve these drawbacks, oxygenation systems tend to be improved or increased, but this would only be one of the steps to be taken in order to obtain good production volumes.


At Dibaq Aquaculture we are aware of the importance of high-quality food for our fish and shrimp. For us, it is an objective to find a well-balanced food for each of the species and in each of its productive stages, which generates the minimum waste and meets its nutritional requirements, also giving an extra contribution of organic vitamins and minerals to improve all the physiological processes and that the fish are prepared for any adversity.


In addition, it is very important that the raw materials that make up the products we offer our customers meet sustainability standards. This is where vegetable-based meals come in as partial substitutes for fish meals that are becoming increasingly scarce and their prices are always rising, thus contributing to the sustainability of our planet without creating so much dependence on the increasingly limited raw materials of fishing origin.


Within the group of plant-based flours, one of the most important is soybean, due to its high protein and amino acid content, but other factors must be considered with this raw material, for example, the amount of anti-nutritional factors that it has, among which oligosaccharides, saponins, etc. can be mentioned. On the other hand, it also contains phytic acid that decreases the bioavailability of essential minerals such as iron, zinc and calcium, essential in fish. Faced with these problems, there is the alternative of using fermented soybeans, since the fermentation process largely eliminates anti-nutritional substances. In turn, the fermentative process generates a series of short-chain organic acids such as butyric, valeric, acetic or formic acid.


These organic acids can help create certain inhibition halos against some pathogenic strains, such as Vibrio spp., which helps us to strengthen the immune system of our fish. As a result of our constant innovation and improvement work, at Dibaq Aquaculture R+D+I test are being carried out with the use of this ferment and a combination of other natural additives to seek an improvement in the performance and immune system of fish and farmed shrimp, in order to help the fish farmer to improve his productivity as much as possible.



As a result of innovation and continuous improvement, Dibaq announces a new product line: Dibaq AquaSafe ®, in which we have been actively working in recent months. It is an internal quality seal to differentiate our high-value products.


The seal of Dibaq Aquaculture has always been of a valuable company, specialized in the manufacture of special and differentiated products, using high quality raw materials, micronutrients and functional components. However, as a result of the innovation and needs of our global market, we have managed to go further and improve the quality of our nutrients, additives and formulas in our products with this new seal that aims to provide value and differentiation to our clients and achieve them the maximum performance in their production.


Why have we called it AquaSafe?


This concept includes the sustainability and safety of water and Planet Earth, as well as the health and safety of fish fed with our products, stimulating the immune system, protecting them against internal and external parasites and improving productive performance, lowering the appearance of diseases and the use of antibiotics and treatments. Therefore, it is a global concept that offers and focuses on the safety of the planet and fish, through prevention.


The results obtained by customers around the world who use our new Products Premium Dibaq AquaSafe line, whether in cages, tanks, ponds, etc., show the great effectiveness it has in the objectives to be achieved with this range launch. A lower mortality and presence of internal intestinal and external branchial pathogens and parasites, provided by the additives and natural extracts that make up our products, long studied and tested, are summarized in better productivity and lower economic losses, both due to low daily mortality and for treatments that are expensive and sometimes harmful to fish.


In addition, with the improvement in the manufacture of the product, through a new micronization system, the quality and sustanaible origin of raw materials, the addition of organic minerals and compounds, essential fatty acids, nucleotides, and natural additives that help digestion and absorption of nutrients, we have managed to shorten the production stage to the maximum by making the fish fed with our AquaSafe products, take full advantage of the nutrients that are provided and lower the cost of production to the producer.


Main concepts


  1. Nutraceutical activity: nutraceuticals are products derived from natural extracts whose nutritional and functional characteristics have benefits, improve health and, therefore, reduce the risk of disease and increase performance. These substances help to maintain the balance of the intestinal microbiota and have a favorable impact on the health and immunity of fish, something that Dibaq Aquaculture considers very important and that is why we give priority to these compounds, available in different formats and combinations.


  1.  Antiparasitic activity: natural additives that lower mortality and presence of internal intestinal and external branchial pathogens and parasites.


  1.  Sustainability: focuses on compensating for the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is made up of three pillars: economic, environmental and social. At Dibaq Aquaculture we have adopted an environmentally responsible policy by including fishmeal and fish oil from sustainable fisheries along with the inclusion of alternative protein sources. In this way, we help our clients in their goal of being potential and sustainable protein producers for world production. Last but not least, our manufacturing method is environmentally friendly by minimizing and reusing waste and using 100% recyclable bags.


  1. Technology. Improvement and expansion of micro-pellets in hatchery products :the size of the individual particles of a granule and, therefore, the degree of grinding of a food have an important effect on the digestibility of the raw materials of the feed, increasing it and, consequently, improving the productive results. Obtaining our new line of Microbaq AquaSafe segmented and adapted for different species is especially beneficial for carnivorous fish, having a short digestive tract, and for larvae and fry.


  1. Digestive and Functional Activity: it is summarized in an improvement in the nutritional quality of the feed through proteases, nucleotids, short chain fatty acids, organic minerals and natural additives that optimize its use in the digestive tract. In addition, it allows a correct intestinal health in high diets of vegetable flours, using less fish meal and lowering costs to the client and improving the performance and the immune status of the fish, besides improving sustainability.


Among the examples of nutraceutical and antiparasitic activity we have the following AquaSafe products.


AquaSafe 4Tress


In addition to stimulating immunity, due to it favors the intestinal health of fish, which leads to a better nutrient absorption surface, and an increase in growth, as well as better microbiota and cellular immunity, the products that contains this natural additives are effective against internal parasites, such as myxosporidia in the intestine (E. leei) (image 1).


In comparative trials with different batches of sea bream fed with control feed or DIBAQ AquaSafe® 4Tress, it was observed that at the end of the trial, some of the animals in the group fed with control feed showed what it is called “knife syndrome” or extreme thinness, caused by the intestinal Myxozoo called Enteromyxum leei.


In image 1, in sea breams of the control feed, the villi appeared very thickened and even fused as a consequence of the inflammatory process caused by the parasite. It is observed in the final control image that the intestinal mucosa does not occupy more than half of the intestinal lumen.


In contrast, sea breams fed with DIBAQ AquaSafe®4Tress showed an increase in the mucosal surface that covers practically the entire intestinal lumen. This is due to the increase in the length of the villi and the depth of the crypt, as shown in the photos. The inflammatory process and the parasite load are reduced.


Compared with the appearance of the intestinal mucosa at the beginning of the experience, the DIBAQ AquaSafe® 4Tress food have a beneficial effect on the intestinal surface, which favors a greater capacity for nutrients absorption, and with it an improvement in growth. The increase in cell turnover, improves the elimination of intracellular parasites such as protozoa (E. leei), reducing the parasite load and secondarily the inflammatory reaction, avoiding symptoms such as weight loss and mortality.


It is concluded as a tool for the control of this parasite.


Regarding its internal antiparasitic function, it is recommended at times of rise in temperatures in summer, since in the transmission of E. leei, the temperature of the water plays an important role, verifying an evident relationship between temperature and prevalence. Low temperatures have an inhibitory effect on the development of enteromyxosis, but the infection usually reappears when the temperature rises again in spring. For this reason it is a good option if the fish stocked from April-May are given AquaSafe 4Tress from the beginning and for several months. Afterwards, we can rest for several weeks and use it again until the temperatures are low again.



In image 2, in a test using sea bream and sea bass, it was found that mortality was lower in fish that had been fed with Dibaq AquaSafe 4Tress, due to its immunostimulating effect.



During the same test, the SGR (specific growth rate) was measured. Image 3 shows a higher final weight gain in seabreams and seabass fed with DIBAQ AquaSafe® 4Tress. This additive shortens the production cycle, as the fish reach their selling size sooner.



AquaSafe Br


This product, made up of several specific natural additives for gill parasites (monogeneous), is recommended to be used in the time of greatest prevalence, that is, with increases in temperature from spring, being especially recommended during the summer months.


In image 4, in the results of a test carried out with two control feeds and AquaSafe Br in sea bream, we see how the prevalence of gill parasite infection, that is, the number of infected fish, is lower in fish fed with the products with Dibaq AquaSafe Br.



AquaSafe S


Another one between our nutraceutical and health products, among the recommendations to give this product to the fish, are at times when you want to boost growth, prepare them for stress situations (prior to biometrics, manipulations, storms) and reduce intestinal and general inflammation of the organism that usually causes a form of intensive production as occurs in aquaculture.


Between the AquaSafe concepts, we give priority to animal welfare and the prevention of parasitic, bacterial and virological diseases, through the best possible diet. For best results, the use of our products and natural additives with immunostimulating, antiparasitic, antistressing, anti-inflammatory and growth-promoting functions should be based on the way of production, epidemiological history, handling and characteristics of each farm.




At Dibaq Aquaculture, when we design a product for a specific aquaculture species, in a specific phase of its life cycle, in addition to trying to ensure that the analytical constituents related to macronutrients are balanced and appropriate for that case.  We also take into account the micronutrients that we include and in this sense there are basically 2 types to which we pay special attention in formulation: vitamins and trace minerals.


Vitamins are essential organic compounds for life in trace amounts, involved in the normal growth, reproduction and health of the fish and their deficiency leads to the development by the fish of serious symptoms depending on the lacking vitamin in question and the reserves it has.


The contribution of vitamins in a fish feed can have two origins: the contribution of the raw materials included in the feed, or the addition of vitamin complements. The necessary amounts of these micronutrients are very small, with doses of micrograms or a few milligrams per day, and it is important that the vitamin added to the feed has the physical characteristics that allow its optimal distribution in it, in such a way that all pellets contain the appropriate dose of this micronutrient. It’s not common.


Today that fish fed with compound feed present symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, this is mainly due to the fact that when formulating a product for an aquaculture species, in addition to taking into account the nutritional requirement of the species regarding this vitamin, we know the environmental conditions to which the food will be subjected and its evolution throughout its life cycle, and therefore we formulate, also taking into account these variables, adjusting the doses of these micronutrients when necessary.


On the other hand, within the micronutrients, we have minerals, which are also essential chemical elements for a normal metabolic developing. We know that there are interactions between some of the mineral elements that can affect their absorption, metabolism, and effect, therefore, at Dibaq Aquaculture, when we design a feed, the inclusion of minerals must meet the fish’s requirements, and also take care of the balance of this, related to the rest of the nutrients present in the diet, which means, we value the levels of minerals in the diet always in relation to other components of the mentioned feed, with the aim of achieving the optimal nutritional balance.


Thanks to this way of working, at Dibaq Aquaculture, we guarantee optimal vitamin and mineral nutrition in each species and stage of the fish, something which is essential for an efficient, responsible, and sustainable aquaculture production.



During the low temperatures that appear in the winter season at the Mediterranean level, marine aquaculture fish, in addition to having to endure these conditions for several weeks, must also face possible sudden drops in these temperatures.


However, drops in water temperature are not the only factors that influence the wellfare of production fish during the winter. The previous immune status of the animals and the stress conditions associated with intensive production (management, fishing, high density) are very important during these moments. Sea bream is a species that is especially affected by cold water temperatures, both physiologically and metabolically.


Consequently, there are numerous problems that can appear during the production of this species at temperatures below 14 degrees. One of these problems is the Ulcerative Cutaneous Rash, an inflammatory skin disease of sea bream, which causes lesions and open wounds on the body. This disease is usually highly prevalent on the Mediterranean coasts, and although it has a benign and subchronic course, it can cause mortality for several weeks.


Another of the drawbacks of this process are the external wounds and injuries that cause rejection in the sale of the fish. It is not surprising that in these conditions, sea bream are more susceptible to infections by microorganisms (it has been related to Pseudomonas anguilliseptica, but this bacteria is usually present at times of lower temperatures and salinity instability), but the Ulcerative Rash is not caused by a specific pathogen. It is a multifactorial pathology of unknown etiology, which can also lead to metabolic collapse, organ dysfunction and immunosuppression mainly due to low temperatures and reduced intake. Of course, open wounds are gateways for secondary bacterial pathogens.


In the latest studies carried out to prevent the appearance or accelerate the healing of wounds, the potential of the amino acid methionine has been identified, being this a biomarker for wound healing. A correct level of methionine in the skin mucus of injured fish increases the healing process of wounds.


Another way that can accelerate the healing of these lesions is to supplement the feed formulas with arginine, and of course apply the best possible production and animal welfare conditions within each facility, giving special importance to a medium/low density.